04 May 2011


Lately, I have been thinking about the Gospel of Jesus Christ. I've been thinking about what it means to me, and why I live it. One principle of His gospel is repentance. President Spencer W. Kimball said, "Sometimes it is easier to define what something is by telling them what something is not. Repentance is not repetition of sin. It is not laughing at sin. It is not justification for sin. Repentance is not the hardening of the spiritual arteries. It is not the minimizing of the seriousness of the error. Repentance is not retirement from activity. It is not the closeting of sin to corrode and overburden the sinner." I thought that was a pretty cool definition, especially since he was a Prophet of God. Repentance to me in one word is humility. As we realize that we have a loving Heavenly Father who wants what is eternally best for us, and as we realize that in order to obtain those blessings that He willingly gives we need to repent, or change, we will do so almost immeadiately. If we are in tune with the Spirit, we will be able to feel when He is not with us, telling us that we have done wrong, and at that instant, we will fall to our knees in humble prayer and talk to our loving Father in Heaven and ask for his forgiveness. In this there is safety, in this there is peace, in this there are blessings upon blessings that are available from the Lord. As we repent thru prayer, He will lift the burdens of sin. Guilt, pain, suffering, etc. Here's a video that tells us exactly that:  http://youtu.be/coef8G5ax6E. I testify that repentance is real. I'm the farthest from perfect, I know that I have messed up royally at times, but I know of the healing power of the atonement. He will lift the burden from us. He will heal us. He has suffered with us and He has died for us. I love Him. I Stand All Amazed...at the healing power of repentance.

1 comment:

  1. His abiding love is the greatest joy ever and what ever we have to do to feel that is so little in return:)
