19 May 2011

As Many As I Love, I Rebuke And Chasten


This is a talk by an apostle of the Lord, Elder D. Todd Christofferson. I had the unique oppurtunity to meet him and shake his hand in the MTC one year ago. It was a pretty cool experience. We had an MTC fireside that night and there was hype that the Prophet was coming. (I think that is the hype every time there's an MTC fireside...) as all the missionaries filed in (about 3000 of us) and took our seats, anticipation was building. The moment arrived and the person conducting announced that Elder D. Todd Christofferson would be addressing us. We all arose out of solemn respect for the worthy servant of the Lord. He then gave a powerful and moving sermon on our purpose. After he spoke, the meeting ended and we stood out of respect again. He and his wife went to the waiting room and took pictures with the staff and the people in charge. Usually after this, the guest speaker will leave. A group of us about 300 or so, left the building and went around the corner to see him go. He walked to the car, and as I remember, put down his notes, closed the door and came walking towards us. His countenance shone so bright! He was immediately swarmed by all of us, and shook our hands. I got the chance to talk to him briefly as he shook my hand before he moved on to the next missionary. I haven't washed my hand since....haha just kidding. I will never forget that experience. Elder Christofferson is one of my favorites and he always will be. He is a man of God! He speaks truth and when he speaks, I can feel the Holy Ghost testify of his words. This talk was one that I really enjoyed.  I have felt the rebuking of the Lord on many occasions, and I know that growth and an even more outpouring of love follows the hard times. I testify that God does love his children. And because He loves us, He corrects and chastens us. I love Him. I Stand All Amazed...at the Love of our Great God.

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