22 June 2011

Sharing the Gospel


This story is awesome! Look at what happened when one kid decided to share the gospel with one of his friends. Imagine what great missionaries these young men will make as they go out into all the world proclaiming the truth. This is member missionary work at its finest. It doesn't take a lot of skill, all it takes is opening your mouth and telling your friends what you know to be true. Growing up in Utah, I didn't have a lot of non-member friends. I didn't have the chance to share the gospel like other people out here in the South have the oppurtunity too. Looking back now though, I could have done better at being "an example of the believers." Instead of just going with the flow and trying to fit in with the "in crowd," I should have stood up for what I believe in and I should have been a better example. Being a missionary, it is obviously easy to share the gospel. That's the whole reason why we put the black nametags on every morning. But nothing gets done in missionary work until we find people to teach. And the most effective way of finding people to teach is thru members. By normal church members opening their mouths, being an example, and inviting their friends to come unto Christ and to receive his gospel, I know that missionary work would skyrocket! Each of us would have stories like this video because we were about our Father's business. Even if its just a pass-a-long card or an invite to a church activity, I know that that is progressing the work of the Lord. Not only that, but the joy that comes from sharing the gospel cannot even be expressed. I know these things are true. And if all else fails in member missionary work, St. Francis of Assisi said it best, "Preach the Gospel at all times and when necessary use words."
I Stand All Amazed...at the joy that comes from sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ.


  1. Elder Stringam,
    Another great post by you. Member referrals are the greatest as long as you earn their trust. As you have done before, serving someone helps them trust you and what you stand for.
    Love you,

  2. I'm an author and relationship coach. However, first and foremost I'm a christian with a desire to help others with the fear of speaking the truth of God's word. Love your page. Just wanted to share a video with you that you may find helpful. Blessings.
