25 June 2011

God Be With You Till We Meet Again

Yesterday was our last Zone Conference with President and Sister Hutchings. I am gonna miss those people. Two Zone Conferences ago, President trained on being Patriarchs over our own areas and at the end of the conference he opened it up for questions to all of us. One of us asked him how he became a man of God, and his answer to that was so simple. He said, " I found men of God in my life and I patterned my life after their's." I have taken that answer to heart and I have been identifying men of God in my life so that I can look to them as an example. I know that each of us are all different people with different personalities and that is the beauty of life, and I think there was a lot of wisdom with President's answer. He understood the fact that all of us have our own qualities and our own personalities and there isn't just one mold of a "Man of God." But, a good example in someone's life is key in helping them get to the point where God wants them to be. Think about Jesus. He is our perfect example and in all things we want to be more like Him. We try to change things in our lives to bring ourselves in closer harmony with the things that He taught and how He lived. This is quite similar to having a "Man of God" example. Not that these men of God are perfect like Jesus, but that they have progressed to a point where they can be examples and beacons to the world, and represent the Savior Himself. Now that I have confused myself, and probably you, what I'm getting to is, President Hutchings is a Man of God that I look up to. He is an incredible example of what we are all striving to become. He has taught me how to be a Priesthood leader. He has taught me how to be an example of the believers. He has taught me how to love and respect a Woman of God, his wife Sister Hutchings. I  love the Hutchings. They will forever have a place in my heart as people that I look up to, respect, and want to be like. With their departure next week, the mission will not be the same, but I know that President and Sister McKee will pick up the slack quickly and hit the ground running because I know that whom the Lord calls, He qualifies. This link is a link to the song, "God Be With You Till We Meet Again." This is the closing song that we sang at Zone Conference yesterday and as I sat there next to President, my emotions were too great and I could barely sing the first line before tears were streaming down my face. Tears of sadness, tears of joy, tears of love, tears of respect, tears of adoration, and tears of knowing that God placed the Hutchings in my life for my eternal benefit. After the song, we took some pictures and then President said his goodbyes. As I embraced that role model and that Man of God, I broke down again, and we just sat there and hugged for a good minute. I will never forget that moment in my life. God be with the Hutchings.


I Stand All Amazed...at President and Sister Hutchings and the Man and Woman of God that they have willingly become.

1 comment:

  1. Elder Stringam,
    We look forward to the day that we get to meet President and Sister Hutchings. I am very grateful for their dedication and faith to serve the Lord. You have often shared experiences with us about your trainings and interviews with this great man! Someday, when this life is over - we will see Nephi, Lehi, Brother Joseph, Captain Moroni, Enos, Teancum, Alma and many other great and noble examples. What will you say to them? What will I say to them?
    President and Sister Hutchings are wonderful and beautiful people. I echo your comment "I Stand All Amazed... At President and Sister Hutchings."

    President and Sister McKee will pick up right where the Lord wants them to and "push along" this great work.

    Thank you son! We are humbly blessed by your obedient service.
