28 July 2011

Goodbye Clarksville

I can't stand goodbyes. They get me everytime. This is a picture of me leaving my family at the curb at the MTC. Probably one of the hardest goodbyes I've ever had to say. I was leaving the people that I love and have spent my whole life with, for two years to serve the Lord. I never thought that the strong feelings I felt as I left my family would ever come back again. Haha oh was I wrong...I get those same feelings everytime I leave an area. I had spent 7 months of my mission up there in good ole Clarksville and leaving that place on Tuesday was like leaving my family all over again. It killed me as I went over to a few of the members' homes and said goodbye for the last time. I know that I will be back to visit in the future and I cannot wait for that day, but for the last time as a missionary, I said goodbye to those people that I have grown to love. I truly felt like I belonged in that ward. I felt the trust between us and the members of the ward flourished greatly. I felt a pure love for those members. Not only because of our same faith or beliefs, and not only because they were awesome people, but because almost every single man in that ward family was fighting for our freedom. Fighting for our great country so that we have the oppurtunity to live the Gospel that we know is true. I have never been so grateful for the soldiers until I spent my time in Clarksville. I had grown to love not just the Mormon soldiers, but the other soldiers as well (soon to be Mormon..) It was tough for me to leave Clarksville because I loved it. Now if it was tough for me to leave Clarksville, I can't imagine the pain and the sadness of our Heavenly Father when He said goodbye to all of us for a short time. Before we came here, we lived with Him and we were taught by Him. He taught us the Gospel and taught us the things that we need to do to be happy. He sent us here so that we can become more like Him. He loves us, and that's why he said goodbye to us for a short time. I know that one day, we will return to see Him again. I also know that one day, I will return to Clarksville and have a joyous homecoming there.
I Stand All Amazed...at the love of our Heavenly Father


  1. You make me cry on so many different levels! First with that picture! I still remember like it was yesterday that I watched you turn around and stare at us one last time. I thought to myself at that very moment I will not see my boy's face for 731 days. Here you go Heavenly Father I give him back to you now to do as you need in the mission field. You make me cry at the patriotism you have learned form where you have been able to serve. How grateful we all are to live in this free country and how thankful we are to those who help us maintain this great privilege. Then thinking of our Heavenly Father and His great love for us and how hard it must have been for Him to let us go to struggle and feel pain but then to also let us feel joy and happiness. He loves us so much He put His feelings aside and did what was best for us. I love you buddy- Thanks for helping me to have this reflective time today. I am so blessed to call you my son!

  2. Elder Stringam, you love the people in Clarksville. May you love all those in whom you serve. I love you son.
