03 July 2011

America the Beautiful

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rzs52OzgWOs (Here is the Mormon Tabernacle Choir singing this song)

During our church service today, we as a congregation sang "America the Beautiful." I felt the Spirit so strong as I thought about our great country. It was very special because as we sang it, I was sitting next to the son of the Bishop. We blessed the sacrament together today and as we sang up on the stand, I looked over and there were tears streaming down his face. Not only was this young man proud to be an American, but there was something else behind those tears. I can only imagine the hard times and pain that he had to go thru as he saw his father go off to war mulitple times. I wish I could relate to him somehow. To have the emotional stress of being without your Dad during your growing years is pretty tough, but to have the thought of him being shot at and being in harm's way everyday while he is gone is stress that I don't think I could handle. In admiration and respect, I sat next to this young man today in our service and sang this song with a grateful heart. I am so very grateful for the military men and women who protect us each day. My heart is full of thanks and gratitude for all that they go thru. One of those soldiers was Elder Logan: (He is a few years older now than he was in this picture...haha. But only a few!)

I am grateful for his service, and even more grateful for the Man of God that he is. I look up to Elder Logan a lot. He is a man of wisdom and knowledge, and he loves and respects others; especially his sweet wife. I am very grateful for this country. I'm grateful for all the freedoms that we enjoy including, boating on gorgeous Lake Powell:

I can't say it any better than Toby Keith, I am proud to be an American! Here is a tribute to all the soldiers fighting for our freedom. I am so thankful for my brothers and sisters out there doing this for all of us. I am proud to be an American!


I am in awe at how the Lord works. He knew that there needed to be a free nation in order to restore the Gospel and He has given us just that. I love Him. And I know that He has given us this land to enjoy and to remember Him. (How can someone look at the picture of Lake Powell above and not think of Him?)
I Stand All Amazed...at our country, our freedom, and the sacrifices made for us to enjoy them.

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