19 April 2011

When Life Gives You Lemons, Make Lemonade

I found this video on mormon.org. This guy Jarem has an incredible story and incredible faith. It makes me grateful that I have two normal legs because other people aren't as fortunate. As missionaries, we ride bikes a ton and often times, like when the sun is broiling my face and arms and I'm riding uphill and bugs are hitting me in the eyes and I end up with a couple of gnats in my teeth and there's people who honk or make fun of or yell or throw stuff at us, I forget everything that God has blessed me with. Because it is so much more than I can begin to describe. I hope that I can look for times to remember God and to remember what God has given me. He has given me a lot of lemons, so I need to return the favor and make a lot of lemonade. I Stand All Amazed...at Jarem's perseverance and at the blessings of our loving Heavenly Father.


1 comment:

  1. All of us have challenges in life. Some may sit around and complain about "how life is unfair" or "we received the short end of the stick" however there is another choice as well. We can learn from the experience then "get up" brush the dust off and move forward. Everyone falls down - even quarterbacks who play the game of football - however they get back up and move forward with the next play. May we "get knocked down and get up again" with the help and faith of the Lord Jesus Christ. I Stand All Amazed.... for the opportunity to "get back up again" and make lemonade.
