23 April 2011


I love the Easter holiday! One, usually because it means my birthday is close, and two...the Easter Bunny comes! In our family, we would wake up Easter morning and see what the Easter Bunny brought us during the night. From DVD's, to books, to chocolate, to new ties, to play toys, to more chocolate, this was a good time to be a kid. Of course, my parents always taught us the real meaning of Easter, and I am very grateful for that. I'm gonna be honest, I did look more forward to my presents on Easter, than the real meaning, but as a special representative of Jesus Christ, this Easter will be different. President Thomas S. Monson lays out perfectly the same feelings that I have about this and every Easter to come (here is the link): 


I add my witness with that of the Lord's true and living prophet, that I know that Jesus Christ is our Savior and He is the reason for the presents and the chocolate and the movies and the gifts and the chocolate and the toys and the chocolate, because He is the one who allows us to overcome death. I love my Savior and I'm grateful for him. I Stand All Amazed...at my Savior, Jesus Christ.  -John 20:1-17


  1. Hope you liked the chocolate! But yes this is a beautiful time of year and it is because of our savior. Love you buddy... happy Easter

  2. He is risen. What joy and peace fills my soul to know who our Savior is. How Wonderful that He Cared for Enough to die for me.....
