08 March 2011

I Stand All Amazed

Yeah...I couldn't believe it either. Missionary work sure has changed a bunch. When I first got called to Tennessee, I was thinking to myself, "I'm gonna do a lot of door knocking and I'm gonna come home 40 pounds heavier." I did not expect to be on Facebook and making our own blogs and such. I reckon by the time my little brother comes out on a mission, they'll have Blackberries and laptops and they'll be driving around in a MHV (Mormon Hover Vehicle). Well, I will be adding to this blog multiple times a week, so if yall want to check in from time to time, yall are more than welcome too.


  1. I will be checking buddy! I love you and I stand all amazed often!

  2. Elder Stringam,
    I too stand amazed that a lax player can do this wonderful of a thing on a blog instead of the field. Our team is 5-1 this year, so be amazed and keep the good work moving along.
    Coach Freeman
