16 March 2011

Hop-Town "Special Ops"

Right now, we are up in Hopkinsville, Kentucky with the Hop-Town district. We are doing the "Special Ops" training that the whole mission is doing to improve our teaching skills as a whole. President Hutchings has asked all the Zone Leaders to do this training with all the companionships in the Zone. Elder Campbell and I had the oppurtunity to teach the Sisters today. I dunno what it is about Sisters, but they can connect with people so much better than us Elders can. You can feel the love and care that they express thru their teaching. One thing that we stressed today was being ourselves. Yes, we are set apart to teach the gospel and to build up the kingdom, but that doesn't mean that we have to change who we are to fit that mold. We talked about how we need to rely 100% strictly by the Spirit and one way that the Spirit works thru us is thru our personalities. I think it helped them a lot, but I know I learned a ton today about just being myself. We aren't boring robots teaching about something we believe in. We are normal people (peculiar people) teaching about something we KNOW. I Stand All Amazed...at Sister Missionaries and Personalities

1 comment:

  1. Elder B
    Keep teaching Elder. Thank you for KNOWING what is true and being yourself. Have fun.
