30 August 2011

"Stuck" in the World of Potential

Do you ever feel like you are "stuck" in the world of Potential? Growing up playing sports, I think this was the way my coaches tried to motivate me. They would say a positive thing to me about something that I did to build my confidence and then they would back that up and say, "Elder Stringam, you have so much potential." The first few times that I heard that I thought to myself, "I do have a lot of room to improve and a lot of potential to achieve. However, after I heard this over, and over, and over from my coaches my thought changed to, "Will I ever reach my potential?" I've thought more and more about that since I've been here in Tennessee. "Will I ever reach my potential as a missionary?" I know that I am not alone in this. I've asked a few of my companions about what they think about the whole potential thing and they feel the same way. I remember about 10 months ago I was sitting in the Mother's lounge of the church building in Nashville having an interview with President Hutchings. I was struggling with being a missionary. It felt like all the work that we were doing to help people just wasn't coming together. People weren't keeping their commitments, none of our investigators were progressing in the gospel, and we were working our tails off, all for nothing....so I thought. President sat me down in the chair and said, "Elder, what's wrong?"
"President, nothing is happening in our area and I'm fed up with it. We are working so hard that I have blisters on my feet and I don't get why everything is falling thru."
He said, "Are you ready to feel the Spirit?" I nodded my head. "You aren't out here for the Lord right now, you are out here for you. This is HIS work and HIS glory."
He taught me some other things in that interview, and among many things that I learned, I will share two. Number One, I have the upmost respect and admiration for President Hutchings. He is a Man of God. Number two, if we think that we have reached our potential and get complacent in our progression back to Heavenly Father, we have failed. How could we become like our Heavenly Father if we don't have potential to achieve? We must ALWAYS have some potential to achieve because we are not living with God yet. None of us should get down on ourselves if there are areas to improve in, because there always should be! From that point on, I've looked at life in a whole new light. I've looked at weaknesses and trials differently as well. How grateful I am for a loving Heavenly Father who teaches thru our own experience. I cannot wait to see Him again someday. To talk with Him, to joke with Him, to learn from Him, to hug Him, to thank Him, the list goes on and on.
I Stand All Amazed....at being "stuck" in the world of potential!


  1. Elder Stringam,
    You said this very well. You do have all the potential do be great son. You have worked hard to be where you are now. You worked very hard in sports, you worked hard in school and you continue to work on obedience. You also work very hard at helping people feel of their own individual worth. I love you son. You have the ability to be great, however the decision is yours. You have nothing to hang your Head about.... So stand tall and lift where you stand!
    Your brother and baby sister are praying for you and the people you are teaching. Pretty tender to hear them plead with the Lord.

    PS I served at the cannery today in Lindon - we canned peaches and I loved it... Being there. Was a real treat. Love you son!

  2. I really liked your post Bren. It is so true that we are always needing to work on SOMETHING in our lives. I think that is something that I really needed to hear because sometimes I get down on myself because I feel like there are so many things that I need to improve on. My ultimate goal really is to be with Heavenly Father so as long as I am always trying to reach that potential, I AM on the right path, and I just need to remember that.
    Thanks for being such a good boy! Your example and all of your blog posts are so beautifully written, and helpful to me.
    Keep up the good work. :)

    <3 Sarah

  3. Elder Stringam-
    What a thought provoking subject. I guess the way I think about it is, if we didn't have any more potential we would not be here. This is His probationary state for us and so therefore we are always getting better or diminishing. If we had met all of our potential we would be translated or be really, really bored:)
    Love you buddy~ Mama

  4. I just realized you have a blog. Very well said! I know that I can really use a reminder like this frequently in my life. We think you're a great missionary :) Keep up the good work!
