02 August 2011

Team Hoyt


Before you read the post, watch the video.....
A father's love. When a first saw this video a couple of years ago, it brought me to tears. I could not believe the love that this man has for his boy. I can only imagine the sacrifices that Dick Hoyt has made in his life to help bring his son happiness. I have never met this Dad before, but I have the upmost respect and admiration for him. I have been fortunate in my life to have a wonderful Dad who pushes me along thru the hard times of life. I have the upmost respect and admiration for him as well. He too has made sacrifices to bless my life and the life of my family. I love him. He hasn't pushed or pulled me thru a triathalon, but he has taught me how to become a Man of God, because he is one. Our family is Team Stringam. May we all have a more appreciation of the love of our Fathers after we watch this video.
I Stand All Amazed...at the love of a Father.


  1. Elder Stringam,
    Whew, let me wipe away my own tears of love for Mr. Hoyt. He literally has turned lemons into lemonade. Brennan, as your father I will do whatever it takes! Your accolades in this post and in your letters have brought me to tears of love and happiness countless times. Thank you son for your love, trust, service, example and most of all being a son of God.

    One our family friends Nichole B. qualified to run the Boston Marathon. She had the privilege of running with the Hoyts for a time. She shared a little bit about that experience with our family - simply said, "it was an amazing experience, one I will never forget. To see the crowd cheering for him - it was a highlight of the race." We are thankful for our friend Nichole and her willingness to share her own feelings with us about the Hoyts. Nichole knows about a father's love because her own dad exemplifies how to be a father of love.

    Son, I love you! May you feel and know that I would HIKE, climb and even run for my family!

  2. The love of a father (yours included) is undeniable! Love you buddy:) Stop making me ball!

  3. I LOVE LOVE LOVE this story! I watched a special on it with my dad...a long time ago. So moving. I think appreciate the aspect of father's love even more now that I've lost mine. Any story about a fathers love will bring me to tears.
