The only reason that we have a knowledge of this plan in its fullness is because of a modern day prophet. How grateful I am for prophets! The Lord truly does inspire them and give them revelation to help us out because He loves us. The scripture in Amos is true. "Surely the Lord GOD will do nothing, but he revealeth his secret unto his servants the prophets." Why would God change the way that He has worked from the beginning of time? He is the same yesterday, today, and forever! He doesn't change because He is perfect, and this is His perfect plan! I testify of it. I know this is true. The Spirit has told me and it is very, very evident in the scriptures that this is the plan of our God. You too can know with a surety that it is true. God will tell you when you ask Him. You can find hope in this life. You can find hope thru our perfect Savior Jesus Christ who makes this whole plan possible. Without Him, there is no hope. This world makes it seem that way. We all get caught up in the moment and just live in the now with no thought of the future. That is hopeless. But if you are looking for comfort, take this scripture spoken by Jesus Himself in John 16:33, "These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world." In Him we will find the hope and peace that we are searching for. Yesterday we had our P-day. We had just gotten done playing a few games of basketball...side note...I'm getting old. And places on my body that have never hurt before are starting to hurt. Especially the day after running a few miles and playing a few games of volleyball and basketball. That day is today. Just sayin...un side note...we dropped off another set of missionaries at their apartment and we were headed back into our area to get ready to go out and work for the night. Well, Elder Dye was driving and I decided to make a few phone calls to get ourselves set up for the week ahead. I called this lady named Wanda that has been taught in the past and we have talked to her a few times on her porch. Her son answered the phone and our conversation was one that I wasn't expecting in the slightest.
Him: "Hello"
Me: "Hi, is Wanda there?"
", she's not, this is her son. May I ask who's calling?"
"This is Elder Stringam, I'm a missionary from the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter -Day Saints."
"Well, I had better tell you I guess. Wanda has passed away. There was an accident this weekend and I'm at the funeral home right now, they are getting ready to cremate her body."
I was speechless. Nothing was coming outta my mouth. "Sir, I'm sorry to hear that."
"Its ok, this is life. She is in a better place now."
"She is."
That was the jist of it. Wanda was at her boyfriend's farm this weekend and a tractor fell on her and took her life. We will be attending Wanda's funeral service tonight at the big Baptist church here in town. I am grateful for the peace that comes from knowing this plan. I know that she is being taught the gospel on the other side, and I hope that she too will find hope in this same plan.
I Stand All the great Plan of our Eternal Heavenly Father.
The comfort this knowledge gives! Thank goodness for a loving Heavenly Father:)